Module Name | eSealing |
Module Reference | df9ac62a01 |
Verification Status | Unverifiable |
Age | 473 days |
Sender | Edubuk |
Deployed in block | 9,694,788 |
Deployed in tx | fbdc |
Methods | 2 |
Contracts | 1 |
Verification Status: | Unverifiable |
Build Image Used: | N/A |
Build Command Used: | N/A |
Archive Hash: | N/A |
Link to Source Code: | N/A |
Explanation: | No embedded build information found. |
"Enum": [
"Registration": [
"authority": [
"cert_type": [
"file_hash": "<String of size 64 containing lowercase hex characters.>",
"name": [
"timestamp": "<Timestamp (e.g. `2000-01-01T12:00:00Z`)>",
"witness": "<AccountAddress>"
"authority": "<String>",
"cert_type": "<String>",
"filehash": "<String of size 64 containing lowercase hex characters.>",
"name": "<String>"
"Enum": [
"ParseParams": []
"LogFull": []
"LogMalformed": []
"OnlyAccount": []
"AlreadyRegistered": []
"NotFound": []
"<String of size 64 containing lowercase hex characters.>"
"Enum": [
"ParseParams": []
"LogFull": []
"LogMalformed": []
"OnlyAccount": []
"AlreadyRegistered": []
"NotFound": []
"Enum": [
"None": []
"Some": [
"authority": [
"cert_type": [
"filehash": "<String of size 64 containing lowercase hex characters.>",
"name": [
"timestamp": "<Timestamp (e.g. `2000-01-01T12:00:00Z`)>",
"witness": "<AccountAddress>"