Account AesirX
Account Info
Account Balance Ͼ454,023.811755
Available Balance Ͼ454,023.811755
Deployed in block 5,436,829
Deployed in tx d655
Age 652 days
Nonce 68,955,011
Index 88,533
Net Worth (CCD) $1,705
Net Worth (Tokens) $0
Net Worth (Total) $1,705
Flow Graph

≤ Date ≤

Lower limit for net transfers


This account needs 1 identity to sign transactions.

Identity 1
ID Provider Notabene
Credential ID 80f3ac3dd5e82c4dc62428978e0afb9ac46c6a58ce02fdc41d50a90b508fd6c576432fd27d8ebd9da52cbf870f9670c4
Created At 2023-03
Valid To 2028-03